The Organ Rehearsal by Henry Lerolle: Church Life in Art

The Organ Rehearsal, 1885 by Henry Lerolle

The Organ Rehearsal by Henry Lerolle is a great work of art if you want to discuss church life and who you let into your inner circle.

The painting represents a scene in modern life that takes place in the balcony of a church; right smack in the middle of the painting is a woman standing, getting ready to sing, the nave in front of her, bathed in light. As the title suggests, this is a rehearsal.

Behind her is a group of listeners, it turns out that this group is part of Lerolle’s entourage as all figures represented were members of his family, including his wife, pictured looking towards the singer (her sister) indifferent to the falling papers on her lap. Her other sister, in a fashionable hat, sits next to her and Lerolle’s brother-in-law, the composer Ernest Chausson, plays the organ. The artist also paints himself into the scene looking outward at left.

Henri Lerolle (b.1844-d.1925, Paris France), was a devout Catholic who also played the violin; music was a very important part of his life. Presently, this work is in the music room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The painting is presently in the Met Museum music room

From 1874 and on, Lerolle’s art focused on religious themes; he had many commissions to paint frescoes in Paris churches during this time. This particular church is actually Lerolle’s neighborhood church, the church of Saint François- Xavier in Paris. The artist, however played with the composition – the area depicted was a lot narrower. He changed it to reflect a more spacious, airy poetic space.

REFLECTION: Who is in your inner circle?

The main character in the painting is standing there, ready to sing. I can imagine her family quiet, waiting in expectation.

I wonder how she felt about that? Did she feel the weight of their scrutiny, or did she feel supported? The church is bathed in light yet she and her family are in the shadows as she begins to rehearse for her debut. Was this a protected space?  If she was going to make a mistake,  was this the  place to do it? I truly hope it was. Who would you let into your inner circle to watch you rehearse? Fumble, mess up?

Making mistakes in church isn’t always so comfortable. I grew up in church and for me, it’s always felt like a safe place, but I know for many it can be scary, intimidating and a place of judgement. I am curious to know your reaction to this work. You can share in the comments. 

Blogging about art and real life is a new venture for me. I have decided to step out and just do it, even if imperfectly, let’s think of these early musings as a rehearsal.

woman standing next to a work of art in a museum,  arms extended
I enjoyed talking about this work at the Met