Rafael Ferrer: Istoria de la Isla, 1974: Floating Island of Resistance

Rafael Ferrer. Istoria de la isla I, 1974
Rafael Ferrer. Istoria de la isla IV, 1974
Rafael Ferrer. Istoria de la isla II, 1974
Rafael Ferrer. Istoria de la isla III, 1974
Exhibition at Lincoln Hospital, 2019
Rafael Ferrer. Istoria de la isla V, 1974

This is why I am creating my Puerto Rican Artists 18th century to early 20th century mini course. Now,  more than ever, we need to gift our kids with a love for their own history…their own art history. And guess what? That makes them a better American! A better citizen! When we are imbued with pride over our own culture,  it allows for curiosity and learning about other people’s culture and this, my friends, is a win-win in a land of increasing diversity! 

  1. Deborah Cullen with Yasmín Ramirez, Voces y Visiones, El Museo del Barrio, 2003 ↩︎
  2. Veerle Poupey. Caribbean Art. Thames & Hudson, 1998 ↩︎